Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Nature vs. Nurture

Can someone rise above one's circumstances (i.e. socioeconomic level, for instance) and be "more" than what the generation before had been? When children of alcoholics become alcoholics themselves, some people might say, "No surprise." Sad to say, this is true for many, many situations. Are people, then "born" into their lives? Much research has been done with twins that have been raised in two different homes, one a positive environment and one negative. Is it "NATURE" or "NURTURE" that makes a person?


jamie said...
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Richard Appleby said...

I think nature should make the person but nurture is what actualy makes a person. People are brought up a certain way by their parrents or guardians. It is almost all they know, they do not have the instincts from nature. When you are around certain things it becomes okay or a habit. So this is why I think that Nurture is what makes a person but nature should make the person.

jamie said...

I think it honestly depends on the childs family history (genetics), and how the child is raised. If a child is born into a family with two alcoholic parents, they aren't any more likely to become an alcoholic when they're older, depending on how they want to live their life. If a child is raised in a home with a good loving environment, they should be well off when they're older and have a good head on their shoulders. One of my very, very close friends grew up with an alcoholic mother and father and his mother was abused by his father right in front of him. He is really into drugs and is not doing well in school, but has a very good head on his shoulders when it comes to common sense and morality.In the book freakonomics, it is said that research has been done and "not all children are born equal. A child born into an adverse family environment is far more likely than other children to become a criminal."

katelynn said...

I believe that someone who is born into an alcoholic family has it in the genetics to become one, but its their decision whether or not to control that problem or not. My family is made up of alcoholism, 2 in my immediate family. Now, they have recieved help and taught me how to control my own problems. So them learning how to control themselves, have taught me how to. I also believe someone who grows up in a bad environment could learn from it, and become stronger, instead of inheriting their families problems.

mark said...

i think its deffinatly nature that shapes who a person is. from personal experiance i can say this. a kid who has a bad enviroment can effect his or her mind. granted that dosnt always happen but its in most cases that it does. some kids pride themselves on not letting them be effected by thier enviroment, those are the cases that are the exception.

Tlanders said...

A person can rise above their circumstances. It may not be easy but one could strive to do so. I think genetics play a large roll in a persons life but so does how a person is nurtured. I know children of alcoholics that would never take a drink for fear of becoming one. I also have seen children of alcholics become one. I think every generation would like to give their children more then they had. Some people like to use their parents mistakes as an excuse for their own mistakes. Others swear they will be different and work hard to accomplish that.

VVV-Constantine said...

I think it all depends on how the child was raised. If his/her parents were alcoholic then they will most likely end up the same way their parents did. However thats not always the case because other people around those children can help them to become a better individual. A lot depends on their friends and people they hang out with. If those kids are surrounded by good friends they will be able to achieve more than their parents and become better as a person.

Peru said...

Yes someone can rise above the circumstances, we've seen it throughout history in many people. Yes, people may be born to the father or mother that is an alcohalic or drug addict. It does not mean they are going to definitely end up growing up to be like that but they are more prone to becoming an alcohalic if their father or mother was an alcohalic. Some people are certainly born into their lives because of parents having an addiction or problem. It is a little bit of both nature and nurture. A person can be nurtured to become a responsible person but the environment around them can turn them into the opposite of the nurture their parents gave them. It all depends on the nature, you're environment around you makes you who you are most of the time. if you grow up in a poor, gang and drug related area, no matter how you were raised you will become a part of that because you're parents can't nurture you from everything in the world. The environment around you really makes a person. The nurture of a parent will make you the person who you are in some ways but the environment completes who you grow up to be because the society you live in affects everyone in a different way.

Peru said...

Yes someone can rise above the circumstances, we've seen it throughout history in many people. Yes, people may be born to the father or mother that is an alcohalic or drug addict. It does not mean they are going to definitely end up growing up to be like that but they are more prone to becoming an alcohalic if their father or mother was an alcohalic. Some people are certainly born into their lives because of parents having an addiction or problem. It is a little bit of both nature and nurture. A person can be nurtured to become a responsible person but the environment around them can turn them into the opposite of the nurture their parents gave them. It all depends on the nature, you're environment around you makes you who you are most of the time. if you grow up in a poor, gang and drug related area, no matter how you were raised you will become a part of that because you're parents can't nurture you from everything in the world. The environment around you really makes a person. The nurture of a parent will make you the person who you are in some ways but the environment completes who you grow up to be because the society you live in affects everyone in a different way.