Monday, December 10, 2007

Storytellers I

Who are the great storytellers of today? Which movie directors and authors can hold your attention? What makes these storytellers better than any others? What plot devices and types of characters hold your attention the MOST? What types of stories leave you bored and uninterested? Why?


satori said...

In my personal opinion I find Christopher Tolkien to be one of the best current writers. I find this to be true because he continued on the works of his father J.R.R Tolkien. The worlds of fantasy keep my attention and for unexplainable reasons I am drawn to them, really nothing else has been able to captivate me inside like fantasy. I am not to interested in books that lack creativity, horror books also turn me off.

NZallblacks06 said...

I think that parents are the great storytellers for many reasons. 1 because they give good advice about your life and your future. And 2, it is fun to hear about what they did in their childhood or to hear about their experiences. I think that Gore Verbinski can hold my attention the best as a movie director. He is the man who directed the pirates of the Caribbean movies. These story tellers are the best because they are able to catch your attention better than any other people. Someone who catches your attention and keeps your interested in something is the best storyteller. The types of characters that hold my attention the most are the ones that are funny yet adventurous. The ones who believe in themselves and try even if no one else believes in them. Most stories leave me bored and uninterested. I don't like reading so i don't exactly know but the only books that keep me interested are history books. I like to learn about the past and see what other people had to go through to get to where we are today.

katelynn said...

i have no clue who nzallblacks is but, i agree with them. Parents are great story tellers. Parents tell real life stories that they have been to, seen or been invloved in. they can give helpful advice and help you get through certain situations. i dont really have a favorite movie director. i believe someone is capable of making a really good movie, but then another movie they make may be horrible. However, the movie Napolean Dynamite definatly didnt hold my attention. i found that movie to have its funny moments, but it did not catch my attention, it had no plot/story to it. therefore i like movies that have a storyline to it, not just confusion.

> said...

for me one of the greatest movie directors has been Spielberg. he knows what hes doing, he has a great vision of how a movie scene shopuld be and he translates that vision from his mind into the screens. i like stories with crime, murder and addiction, although i don't know why this kind catches my attention. movies/stories about princesses and stupid fary tales leave me bored because there is no action or crime.

Tlanders said...

When it comes to movies, and t.v. there are no great story tellers. Sure they create very good stories, but they only care about money. I relized this when the writers went on strike. In my opinon a good story can not be made with a greedy intention.

Tlanders said...

Continued:The kind of storyies that leave me most bored and uninterested are poems for their lack of and indepth story

mark said...

I think one of the best story tellers today is Steven King, that dude has made more money on his books than anyone else. his stories grab my attention (when its a movie) like none other because there so intense and groundbreaking. i like wierd characters that will suprise you when u watch and also characters designed for comic relief. stories that leave me bored are stuff like harry potter and lord of the rings

Anonymous said...

To be honest i dont know aby stroytellers of today right at this current moment. There are a couple directors that i like their movies. They are Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg. Michael bay is very good with action scenes and stunts. Sielberg on the other hand is good with the stroy itself, just look at E.T. one of the best movies made. Like i said the major plot device that holds my attention is action and seeing explosions. The types of stories that are boring to me peronally are love and romance.

Frank D. said...

One director that stands out to me is Quentin Tarantino, but I only know a little bit about him. I know he directed Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, and Kill Bill (one and two). Each of their plot lines seems haphazard, but they come together in the end. They all seem overly violent, but their also seems to be a message of absurdity in the violence. The action always kept my attention, but also made me think about the overall message.

jamie said...

I am very picky when it comes to what can actually hold my attention. I like stories with either magical characters or characters with many mental problems. A few of my favorite movies and stories are; The Virgin Suicides, Girl Interrupted, Winter Passing, Garden State, Heathers. I literally can't sit and read a story if it's about history in any way, it is based on anything but drama, folklore of horror.

andrew said...

I don’t really know of any great story tellers of today or of many great directors that hold my attention well. I usually don’t get in to books except for the book Deathwatch by Robb white which Mrs. O had found for me and Jeffery I thank you. But besides that I cant really think of any others.

Richard Appleby said...

Great story tells of today. WEll it could be anyone I see it as you have to have a good story first before you can be a good story teller. Movies with a deeper meaning keep me interested. Something that is not obvious and that you need to look into more to understand.Not many storys or movies leave me bored. I find a good time in almost anything.

VVV-Constantine said...

I do not know too many great storytellers. But one of the best movie directors is Steven Spielberg. The authors who grab my attention are those who know what they are doing and write interesting stories. The types of stories that leave me bored and uninterested are those stories that end without making any sence. One of those stories was "Burning Barn". I'm also starting to realize that i'm not a huge "fan" of poetry.

patrick breznak said...

I feel that the great storytellers today all capture their audiences attention riht off the bat with a big exciteing scene. they pretty much hook you in from the begining. the books do it the same way like harry potter they grab you and they dont let go. i personally dont have a favorite director or author i have a favorite movie and that is fight club. the movie is really cool haw it starts out at the end and goes back to the begining just to finish at the end.