Friday, October 12, 2007

Creation vs. Evolution

In the play we will be reading over the next few weeks, a teacher is arrested and put on trial for teaching evolution to his class. Ironically, Garrett's discussion question last week regarding who decides what we learn in school comes into play significantly here. What do you think about teaching religion in school? Should schools teach students that there are multiple theories out there? Or should public school leave religion alone? This is a very touchy subject because religion is often at the heart of people's moral and personal lives, so, as always, remember there are multiple viewpoints in this class that we must all respect and appreciate, even if we do not agree with them.


patrick breznak said...

I personally feel that religion should not be taught in school. i feel that religion should be allwed to be talked about freely but the actuall teaching of a religion should only be taught in churches and temples. i feel that evolution on the other hand should be taught in school because there is evedience behind the theory of evolution. i also feel that religion is nothing but hearsay,because there is no hard evidence backing up religion.

jamie said...

In my own opinion, i agree with Patrick and think religion should not be taught in school. Everyone has their own religion and should not be pressured to feel a certain way about what they believe. I dont even believe in god, i consider myself athiest. I believe there is a higher power but no "god".

katelynn said...

I agree with both pat and jamie on this subject. I feel that religion should not be taught in school, but we should not be critizied for talking about it. We all have our own beliefs and have the right of freedom of speach. Religion should be left at home. No one should be forced to believe in anything that they do not believe in. That's like changing someones morals and values just because you do not believe in it.

Frank D. said...

I feel that religion should not be allowed to be tought in school. Their are laws that spereate church and state and the schools teaching should follow them. At my old school their was accually parents so concerned about their child learning about evolution that they pulled their child from the class while discussing evolution. This does not seem fair to the child who cannot get every view point. I think that evolution should be taught as a theory and the teacher should say "some people believe that this is true" instead of saying it is fact.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Patrick, religion should not be taught in schools. That is why there are schools for Christians and for Jews. I am Catholic and i believe in Jesus rose from the dead just so we can go to heaven and i also agree in the big bang theory. We will never know for sure what is true and what is fiction.

mark said...

Creationism is what i was brought up to believe but i cant speak for everyone. I dont think creationism should be taught in schools because if parents want thier kids to learn about religion they can pay extra money and send thier kids to a catholic school. Religion should be left out of the public schools because all it does is cause problems with the people who try to teach creationism and the people who think science is the answer.

Tlanders said...

I do not believe that this is a touchy subject. Teachers should teach multiple theroies, and mentioning religon is not bad because hearing people talk about what they believe in will not change your opinon, or disrespect your opinon. It has come to a point were if you say somthing that not everyone beleives in you get in trouble, and is that not what are contry fought a war about, and people died for.

VVV-Constantine said...

I will agree with both Patrick and Jamie. Religion should not be taught in High Schools or any other public schools. All people have different points of vews,opinions, and religions as well. If you decide to have a discussion about a certain religion you should go to your church and express your opinions with the people who share common religions.

andrew j. said...

I don't even know how teachers can teach about religion these days, because of how diverse we are. If you ask every student in one classroom, there wouldn't be any repeats except for maybe one. So i dont think there is a real argument here. I understand back in the quaker times they talked about religion in school because they were all one religion but i dont think that any teacher has the right to touch on the subject of religion in class these days.

Mrs. O said...

felipe says: since there are a lot of different believes towards religions, and in every school there are people who believe and who dont and if they decie to teach religion this could be a porblem for those who dont believe and it would turn the school into a chaos. so i think public schools should leave religion alone, thats why churches and catholic schools, for people who want to learn it. im a non believer so im sure id rebel if they made us learn it.

satori said...

I believe that the teaching of religion in school should be the choice of the student. Schools should not ignore its values to some though it should not incroch on students that do not wish to take part in it. In this sense iam refering to the teaching of religion to be almost like an elective class. In this sense everyone gets exactly what they want and keeps the school well rounded.

andrew said...

I think that schools should be able to teach ABOUT religion but not the beliefs themselves. Because this would give students a way of knowing about different cultures and beliefs. I also think that schools should be able to teach multiple theories shuc as creation or evolution. As long as the teacher is just teaching them what there about not teaching which one is the right one.

Peru said...

Religion should not be taught in school for certain reasons. Religion is a cause for arguements, battles, and war. Also if you try and teach religion to another person with different religious beliefs then they might take offense to the teachings. The student will think that the religion being taught is superior to their own and cause hostility between the teacher and the student. Yes, theories should be allowed to be taught because you can decide which theory you think is most acceptable. Schools should leave relgion alone and not consider teaching it to their students.

Chris said...

Church was created to learn about god and worship not schools. Schools are created to educate children about our society and prepare them for the next step up and eventually go out into the world as adults. Furthermore school is a government institution and it is stated that there must be separation of church and state. Creation is part of the scientific part of school and we do teach evolution as the way humans came into being. Even if religion is at the heart of everyone's moral and personal lives there should be a solid boundary between one or the other they are not meant to mix mainly because education disproves religion.

hailey177 said...

to add on to Patrick's comment .. y should the evolution theory be taught in schools and not the creation theory ... they are both based on religions. don't tell me evolution is not a religion. the are just as Manny or more true evidence on creationism. .... on the other hand i really want to know who gets to decide what we learn in school anyways . y trust them.