Monday, September 24, 2007
Jumping to Conclusions
The media (radio, tv, Internet, newspapers, etc.) often creates a stir about a topic or person so much so that people begin to GENERALIZE and jump to conclusions about people and groups of people. For example, people see one teenager breaking the law, and they think ALL teenagers are vandals. In our own high school, gossip (true or not true) generates the same results. Comment on some aspect of this issue which affects all of us. Is it part of human nature? Or can we educate people about jumping to false conclusions?
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All of your highschool years will be filled with gossip. People always talk about other people and other things. Secrets dont exactly exsist. Gossip affects all of us in making us think things that might not be exactly true. Yes, this is part of human nature. Almost everyone makes snap judgements of other people unself-consciously. It would not really be possible to teach people how to not judge people, or come to a conclusion about something you dont really know about. As said before, making snap judgments of people is part of human nature
Nowhere in the world is there a person or group of people who target others. Even in third world countries, kids are excluded from playing ball or soccer. At the highschool's here in the U.S., there are certain groups of people who always think that their better then everyone else, even if they dont want to admit it. People haave a hard time admitting to a conflict such as this. I think it is just human nature to target certain people because everyone does it. As much as people want to edcuate these other people about the conflicts, it wont sink in until their older age. Most children have a hard time letting things that agrivate them go. I think it is mostly shows in middle school and highschool. If a kid wants to join a team or play a sport, the athletic kids wont pick him becaue hes a "loser" and hes not a good player. Everyone always want to be the best and that would "drag them down". I think more kids should be aware of what kind of damage they can do to kids about teasing or blaming them for something they didn't do.
Jumping to conclusions is a bad thing but it is just the way things work. Im sure that when people heard about O.J.'s recent arrest, without even knowing what he was accused of they thought he was guilty because of his previous arrests. This is not a good thing because certain people will not be able to get away from their negative first impression or big events in their lives. When O.J. goes to trial this time it is going to be nearly impossiable to get a jury without any biest against O.J. which could lead to a mistrial. This also works in a good way though like the hype for halo 3, how over 600million people bought it before it even came out. Im sure that these people who purchased the game had jumped to the conclusion that it would be an amazing game. So jumping to conclusions is ussually a bad thing but, you cant judge a book by its cover.
I agree with nzallblacks06 about At highschool'S in the US, certain groups of people always think that their better then everyone else, even if they dont want to admit it. Also with all these celebrities on the news about them doing something wrong makes alot of people jump to false conclusions because the celebrity has not been on trial yet.
I agree with katelynn; it is human nature. People will always be judging others. Most of the time it is not to be hurtful, but i do think i can be prevented if people got to know everyone a little better.
Yes, i completely thing that it is in out human nature to jump to conclusion. But I also do believe that if we are educated that we can avoid these situations. But when you hear somthing thats gone wrong you want to find someone to blame. So you will find any reason to blame a group of people to make it their fault and not societys.
Everyone gossips and jumps to conclusions even if they say they don't. There isn't one girl i know who doesn't talk behind someones back or gossip about rumors they've heard. It is most definitely a part of human nature, no matter what society does to try to teach people not to jump to conclusions, it will never change. Every generation passes down the trait to generalize and jump to conclusions. In my own opinion we will never change.
Generalizing things is common to most. The reason for this is simply that humans are facinated with storys. Truth sometimes takes a backseat to those who wish to exert there mind with crumbs of an experience. In the midst of all this everything we seem to neglect that no story, no matter how detailed, can ever tell the entire truth of anything. Stories are bent to begin with and with added ambition they can easily serve for pure effect. I do not doubt that many things I have heard, many things I have used to conduct my life, have been false or made up. This being known, we ask where is truth to be found and even if found is it possible for truth to be generalized and falsly concluded? What is truth? You see it is easy to generalize when you really don't exactly have the idea of whats going on. You leave the mind to wander and wander it will until you wake up.
I agree with katelynn's and tlanders's ideas combined together. Some of it has to do with our age, but most of it is human nature. If one of our friends thinks something about the other group of teenagers, no matter if its true or not many of us will have the same thoughts and jump straight into conclusion. But instead we should get to know each other a bit better, and then start creating facts or comments about each other. But like I mentioned, human nature plays a main role in this topic.
actually its intersting you posted this as a blog becuae i happen to have a person who hates me right now because he thinks i raped his friend, when if i did try to force anything i wouldnt have a hickie afterwords so anyway, and he jumped to a conclusion because one person told him her way of the story. and yes it is prt of human nature, and no we will never be able to teach people to be different and not jump int false conclusions. thats why humans are so vulnerable.
It is human nature to lie in order to elevate oneself. We generalize main so that we don't have to be specific about anything and it has become more and more of a problem now that the media and advanced so far. Gossip is just a part of life and it can be helpful or hurt full. We can help the social norm of making generalizations by just being more specific. It will make conversations longer and more detailed, but you will sound like a smarter intellectual that know what they are talking about.
It is human nature to gossip. Everyone who is anyone has gossiped at least one time in their lifetime. You can educate people on not jumping to conclusion but no matter what their is always going to be gossip and generalization. I think it is wrong to generalize teenagers if one of them breaks a law. Not all teenagers break the law so it's wrong to generalize an entire group because of one person's bad action.
i think that radios and news programs turn the truth into whatever they want. they can make it seem better or worse according to their rateings. i think that people should go out to repitable sources and make their own conclusions. if people did do that then the would would be a smarter place.
One topic that comes to my mind when i read what Mrs. O. wrote is skateboarding. Police and members of a town, that when they see skateboarding, they think they are destroying and vandelizing property, yet they are just trying to live out their teenage years by doing something they love. I dont skateboard and I have friends that are constantly arrested just because they are skating a set of stairs and not doing any harm. I think that many people to jump to conclusions and that just isnt right. I think people should open their eyes and find out the real story.
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