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This blog is for the use of students in Mrs. Oehrlein's English III American Literature course. Students should post their opinions freely but with the knowledge that others may not necessarily agree with those opinions. With this in mind, all students must write their posts and comments using a tone of respect at all times.
When i think of American dream, i think of someone who is extremely wealthy such as Bill Gates or Donald Trump. I think that, to the average American, the American dream is to become rich no matter what and that money can solve everything. I disagree with that. I believe that the American dream is to be happy with whatever you do. As long as you're happy you can live the American dream.
I think the average American Dream is to be wealthy, have a good job, and raise a healthy family. There are very many people in the United States who don't have any money, don't have a job, and never got the chance to raise a family of their own. I would have to agree with this American Dream as my own too.
The American dream could be a variety of things. It could be as elabrate as being very rich, owning a very nice car, being with a perfect family, and having successful kids or as simple as good health for your parents. The American dream is what you make it and not what others tell you it should be.
The American dream to me is to go to collage get a good job have a nice family and be happy. Also be able to give your children the best chances to succeed in life without you helping them all the way. The American dream to me as all about being happy no matter what you situation. If you are happy with what is going on in your life then you are living the American dream.
The American Dream, a vision we have all seen. To many the term 'American Dream' is a often used as if it were tangable, however it is otherwise. The American dream is emptiness, a blank canvas used to imagine. The American Dream is plantia utopia kept within lines that originate in our minds. To someone outside this bubble it might just appear to be a calling, the sun pulling them west. It is truly whatever you want it to be.
There are many different types of American Dreams. For an Immigrant a dream could mean becoming an American Citizen and just having freedom. For example, Mexicans come to America so they can raise a family and get their own jobs. For them it could mean standing on the corner of the street and waiting for the opportunity to drive up for only $10 an hour. When the job is finished they get paid, go home, and start all over again waiting for a new opportunity to come their way so they can live their version of the American Dream.
I believe that the american dream is someone who goes from rags to riches. America is one of the few countrys where a lower class citizen can rise to top class of society and become very wealthy.
I think most americans dream of having lots of money. They don't have to work and are basicly set for life. Most americans aren't like this though. Most americans are either middle to lower class and have to work really hard all thier life. I guess its always nice to dream. . .
America is a magical country, everybody seems to have an American dream. i mean most of them have to do with a big bucket of chicken on the dinner table and a shiny new truck in the driveway, but still, America is a great country because no matter how poor you are, everyone can afford to have a dream.
The American dream is to be wealthy, have a good and happy family and to be successful in life. That is the average American dream that most Americans hope to reach. I would rather have a happy life, than have all the money in the world. People from other counties i believe look at the American dream and think of us as selfish people who only care about money.
when i hear the words american dream i think that it means its about money and that america is the place of oportunities. the american dream sounds about wealth, money, power, but they are forgeting love, happyness and many other aspects of life that are more important.
the american dream is the idea of comeing to america to to better tham self. Here they can have better jobs and homes and creat a better life for their families.
The American dream is to have a well to do job, support your family, and get the freedom that comes with living in thes country. the average american can live this dream if they work hard. A dream is somthing that you work hard to achive; it is no somthing that is given to you as soon as you want it, and i think some people in american can forget this. Other countries may say the american dream is wrong because its differant. Which can be understood because we might see somthing they do normally which is different and automaticly lable it as taboo.
The American dream is to be able to come to this country or even if you are living in this country to make it in society and to be wealthy. Also to be able to have money so you can support not only yourself but your family.
My interpretation of "The American Dream" is the pursuit of happiness. This pursuit of happiness varies upon the individual's values in life. For example, some people associate money and success with general happiness. The majority of these people dedicate themselves to their work and such. Therefore, the definition of "The American Dream" depends on the individual American.
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