Friday, August 24, 2007

What is an American?

Although many people consider themselves Americans, most have different definitions of what an American is. What is your definition of an American?


Mrs. O said...

When I think of people whom I would consider true Americans, I think of people from history like Thomas Jefferson, Abe Lincoln, FDR, Rosa Parks, and Martin Luther King, Jr. I guess what these people have in common is that they worked toward freedom and equality for all citizens. Since this basic idea is connected so solidly to the foundation of this country, then I think an American is someone who tries to support and encourage that idea in whatever he or she does. My definition could be extended, but I think this part of it is the most important to me.

NZallblacks06 said...

I believe that the definition of an American is someone who fights for what they believe in. As Mrs. Oehrlein said, people from the past such as George Washington, Thomas Edison, Abe Lincoln, and John F Kennedy are just a few of many. All those American's fought for what they believed in. George Washington risked his like many times to form our county. Thomas Edison failed over 10,000 times before inventing the light bulb. Only a true American would never give up.

jamie said...

I believe the definition of a true American is someone who has a strong mind. There are so many different people in the United States and half of us don't stand up for what we believe in. All Americans should be strong minded and fight for their rights.

satori said...

An American is anyone who can see between the lines, anyone who values freedom above all other things. When people speak of America they do so with there eyes closed. Much like the Sioux Nation, the country is carried around with us as a thought. It is only after that realization will one find a country more meaningful to their reflection, only then will one find America.

Anonymous said...

Since we were born as Americans, we can't really define the meaning because we can almost get everything that we desire. Just look at Jackie Robinson. Although Blacks were citizens at the time, they were not treated as well as the Whites. Negros had their own baseball league called the Negro League. Jackie Loved to play baseball. He was a true American because of what he believed in and how he broke the color barrier becoming the first African-American to play on a White baseball team.. He became one of the best Black players of all of the game of baseball.

Frank D. said...

To me an american is a person who does not question the government or system. Somebody who works minimum wage or fights for our freedom.

patrick breznak said...
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patrick breznak said...

i think an American is someone who feels patriotism towards America. someone who instills the idealism of American life. people like Paris Hilton, Chuck Norris, Clay Aken, and Charles Manson... even tho these people may not be the most morally virtuous, they instill the characteristics of true Americans!

Richard Appleby said...

My deffinition of an American is being apart of this country. If you are apart of this country you should be able to call yourself an "American". Americans should be able to do as they please thats what being an "American" is sopost to be about. Freedom.

Katelynn said...

My definition of a true American would be one who has a high will power and great determination to be successful and wealthy.

> said...

my definition of an american is a person whos been born anywhere in the U.S.A and has an american passport, now a person with a greencard such as me could be considered if they'd like to as a Brasilian-american such as african-americans, asian-american...etc

andrew said...
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andrew said...

americans are some of the proudes people. we love our contry and dont let any one tell us how we should run it. we believe in fredom and are one of the most culturly divers contrys

Tlanders said...

An Amercian is anyone that lives in this country, follows its rules. I also think an American is somone that is gratefull for the rights that they have been given.

Peru said...

I Think an american is someone who lives in the U.S. and is proud to live in this country. Also to show their support towards other peoples ideas to make this country a better place. An American is also someone who believes everyone should have rights no matter what their ethnicity is.